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Mountain View High School ASB
Second Round of Applications
Open Government Positions
ASB Treasurer
Senior Class VP/Treas
Junior Class Sec/PR
Clubs Commissioner
ELD Commissioner(s)
Diversity Chair
If you are interested in applying and interviewing for any of the above positions (or for Activities or Ambassadors), complete an application (linked below) and turn it into the ASB Mailbox by Monday 3/11 and sign up for an interview slot in the Activities Office. Contact Ms. Yow ( or Ms. Rietveld ( with questions.
Current MVHS Students interested in joining the ASB Leadership Classes (Government, Activities, or Ambassadors):
Application due February 27 to ASB Mailbox in Activities Office
Join the Google Classroom for updates: puqa8q
ASB Government and Activities Positions and Committees: Description of Responsibilities
Please read this carefully before deciding what position you will run or apply for. -
MVHS Leadership Program Information Sheet
Distributed during Advisory Week and classroom visits
Information Sheet for Incoming 9th Graders
Distributed at 8th Grade Night (January 24, 2019)
Incoming 9th graders have the option of joining the ASB Government class as a class officer (President, Vice President/Treasurer, or Secretary/Public Relations) or the ASB Activities class on the Introductory Activities Committee.
Fill out the application and return to Ms. Yow via email by March 8th.
Email Ms. Yow at if you have any questions about anything.
Applications to Join ASB Student Leadership Classes for Incoming 9th Graders
Distributed at 8th Grade Night (January 24, 2019)
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