Mountain View High School ASB
We, the students of Mountain View High School, create ASB as a student governing body in order to promote school spirit and good citizenship, to teach the privileges and responsibilities of self government and to aid in the direction of school activities.
ASB CLASS 2017-2018
Carson Rietveld
Christine Yow
ASB President: Arjun Gujral
ASB Vice President: Kalea Vandeventer
ASB Secretary: Nomi Rosen
ASB Treasurer: Bryan Peltier
ASB Public Relations: Dani Karchmer
Senior President: Jake Lillie
Senior Vice President: Bethan Parry
Senior Secretary/Treasurer: Lauren Price
Senior Public Relations: Shareen Estremera
Junior President: Noa Merry
Junior Vice President: Talar Sarkissian
Junior Secretary/Treasurer: Maggie Eggleton
Junior Public Relations: Andrew Huang
Wellness Committee: Caroline Kemp
Wellness Committee: Tatyana Carrion-
Diversity Committee: Deshan Yapabandara
Sophomore President: Krish Gujral
Sophomore Vice President: Emily Klemm
Sophomore Secretary/Treasurer: Lydia Lam
Sophomore Public Relations: Jackson Harnett
Freshman President: Mira Shah
Freshman Vice President: Abby Evans
Freshman Secretary/Tresurer: Veronica Marulanda
Freshman Public Relations: Paris Harrell
Dance Commissioner: Brianna Sauter
Clubs Commissioner: Sam Ruben
Performing/Visual Arts Commissioner: Matt Ko
School Board Representative: Varunjit Srinivas
Historian/Music/Web/Tech Commissioner: Ani Ralston
Student Recognitions Committee: Stella Rufeisen
Student Recognitions Committee: Ava Kopp
Diversity Committee: Erika Kai
Elections Commissioner: Sarah Davenport
Homecoming/Prom Commissioner: Kyla Turner
Multi-Cultural Commissioner: Marco Torres Romero
Community Service Commissioner: Renee Landa
Environmental Commissioner: Peyton White
Speaker of the House: Charlie Eggleton
ELD Commissioner: Jennifer Huan
Activities Committee: Jiro Walther
Activities Committee: Nicolas Weng
Activities Committee: Ahad Mirza
Rally Committee: Nicole Guibord
Rally Committee: Elyssa Stein
Athletics Committee: Jamal Khidir
Athletics Committee: Josh Lillie
Staff Recognitions Committee: Nicole Bumgarner